420 CannaBus

420 CannaBus

We are beyond stoked to announce the Social AF CannaBus
a Local Twin Cities 420 Tour Experience with Activities & Giveaways at EVERY STOP!


Spend the day being chauffeured to 6 Twin Cities 420 celebrations with a curated itinerary full of activities, games, entertainment, surprise ride-a-longs, and giveaways along the way!

Stay tuned here for more info about all-day and half-day bus passes for this progressive stoner tour.


Not ready to hop on? You can buy a self-guided itinerary ticket and receive all the Social AF giveaways on our itinerary.


We'll also be offering a map of local happenings so you can satisfy your curiosity and still get in on a piece of the action.

New alcohol-free & cannabis-friendly event series.

Out of focus close up of a woman out on the town set in bold colors with blurry lights in the background

Whether you’re committed to an alcohol-free lifestyle, taking on a New Year’s resolution, or simply want to explore a new way to get out on the town, Social AF is offering a series of alcohol-alternative events for the curious, serious, and everything in between.

Join us for a night out that’s all hang and no hangover.

so·cial AF 

/ˈsōSH(ə)l/ /ɑː/ /f/

Event series designed for enjoying companionship and interaction with others in an casual, fun, alcohol-free environment.

Alternately, a really @$&#ing good time.

Social AF Membership

Social AF Membership

Become a part of a thriving and growing Minnesota community. Social AF is your free ticket to pre-release alcohol-free and cannabis-friendly event info, discount offers for local products, and chances to win one of our Canna-Curious Calendars!

Vibe with us on the ‘Gram…